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<공지> 세월호 침몰사고 관련 해외협력교단 기도요청서신(해외협력교단 위로서신 첨부)

관리자 2014-04-21 (월) 10:47 10년전 10522  
  OurcallforjointprayerfortheKoreanferrydisaster[1].docx (14.7K), Down : 27, 2014-04-21 10:49:44
  세월호 침몰사고 기도요청서신(해외).hwp (23.5K), Down : 23, 2014-04-21 10:49:44
여객선 침몰사고와 관련해 함께 기도해주시기를 요청드립니다!
우리 한국기독교장로회는 예수 그리스도의 십자가 고난을 묵상하는 고난주간, 한국에서 발생한 여객선 침몰사고로 인해 슬픔을 겪고 있는 많은 이들을 위해 비통한 마음으로 기도합니다.
지난 4월 16일 아침, 한국 전라남도 진도 인근 해역에서 459명이 탑승한 여객선이 침몰하여 26명이 숨지고, 270명이 실종(4월 18일 정오 기준)된 안타까운 사고가 발생하였습니다. 여객선 안에는 수학여행을 떠난 고교생 325명을 비롯한 많은 여행객들이 탑승하고 있었습니다. 현재 계속해서 구조활동을 진행하고 있으나 여전히 많은 실종자들이 생사가 확인되지 않아 유가족들의 고통은 더해가고 있는 상황입니다. 실종자 가운데는 우리 교단의 교인들도 있어 속히 구조되어 돌아오기를 바라고 있습니다.
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한 생명이 천하보다 귀하다 하신 주님의 말씀처럼 아직도 구조받지 못한 귀한 생명들이 하루속히 구조되고, 아직 채 꽃피우지 못한 어린 생명을 비롯한 많은 희생자들과 유가족들에게 하나님의 위로가 함께하도록 세계의 모든 교회에서 함께 기도해주시기를 간절히 요청드립니다.
2014년 4월 18일
한국기독교장로회 총회총무 배 태 진

* 해외협력교단에서 세월호 침몰사고와 관련 기도요청과 관련하여 위로 서신을 보내왔습니다.
보내온 서신 교단 14개 교단
1. United States – 미국장로교회(PCUSA), 글로벌미니스트리(GM) , 2개
2. Canada – 캐나다연합교회(UCC) , 5개
3. Evangelical Mission in Solidarity (EMS) – Germany 독일복음선교연대, 6개
4. France-(RCF)프랑스개혁교회, 1개
5. Uniting Church in Australia-(UCA)호주연합교회, 2개
6. Japan(UCCJ)-일본그리스도교회,(NCCJ)-일본기독교단, 3개
7. India(NCCI)-인도기독교교회협의회, (CSI)남인도교회, 2개
8. Pakistan(PCP)-파키스탄장로교회, 1개
9. Hong Kong(HKCC)-홍콩그리스도교연합회, 1개
10. Taiwan(PCT)-대만장로교회, 1개
11. East Timor(IPTL)-동티모르개혁교회, 1개
12. Thailand(CCT)-태국그리스도교회, 1개
13. Philippines(UCCP)-필리핀그리스도연합교회, 1개
14. Act Alliance'액트 얼라이언스‘-국제긴급구호선교단체, 1개
15. (WSCF)-세계기독학생회총연맹, 1개
교단에서 보낸 총 편지 – 29개
United States –
Presbyterian Church USA – Rev. Mienda Uriarte, Area Coordinator Asia and the Pacific
           “our hearts join you in your grief and sorrow with those who suffer.  It is only God who can provide comfort during this time. Our connection with you as the community of faith stirs us to reach out in love.
Global Ministries, United Church of Christ and Disciples of Christ – Rev. Dr. Xiaoling Zhu, Area Executive for East Asia and Pacific
             “Our hearts went out with those students and their families.  We, as your Christian sisters and brothers, would like you to know that we are keeping praying for them.”
Canada –
United Church of Canada – a letter was prepared right after the sinking and sent out to all congregations for use in churches on Good Friday: “Strengthen our kin in Jindo – grieving parents, scared youth and teachers, drowning friends and lost siblings.  Strengthen the heroic rescue workers who have placed themselves in the center of your peoples; suffering, the rescue divers, helicopters and boats; the volunteers and search parties; the people who are keeping vigil and supporting those who are most affected.”
Patti Talbot, Asia Partnership, Church in Mission Unit, UCC
          “May those taken rest now, in God’s everloving embrace.  May all those bereaved and now in grief be upheld in their sorrow.”
Bern Jagunos – former Asia Partnership staff
          “My heart goes out to the victims, their mourning families and the Korean people who are grieved by this tragedy.”
Prof. Kim Hye Ran – St. Andrew’s College
          “Prayers and strength go with you for people to rise from this challenge as they know the Easter message.”
Rev. Lenore Beechan – former missionary
          “We have been praying”
Mary Collins – former missionary
          “Praying for those affected by this terrible tragedy, and for you, the PROK, as you minister to the grieving ones and to the rescuers and others responding on site.”
Evangelical Mission in Solidarity (EMS) – Germany
Rev. Ulrike Schmidt-Hesse
          “I hope that the message of Easter may give some comfort and strength to those who are mourning and those who are torn between fear and despair. The peace of Christ be with you”
Lutz Drescher, Secretary, East Asia and India
          “We in our staff worship were praying for the victims of the terrible disaster, especially for the parents and friends of the students who died much too young.  May the risen Lord comfort them.”
Rev. Dorothea Schweizer – former missionary
          “I deeply pray for the numerous families that Christ be very near to them and comfort and strengthen them in this time of unspeakable sorrow and grief”.
Rev. Paul Schneiss – former president DOAM (German East Asian Mission)
          “May God help you to console all those people.  We are crying with you, we are praying with you – though it is difficult to find words.”
Rev. Marianne Wagner – Department for World Mission, Protestant Church of the Palatinate
          “May our Lord Jesus Christ who shared pain and death with us and who rose from the dead, grant comfort and hope to all affected by this accident.”
Rev. Klaus Rieth, Director, Mission, Ecumenism and Development, Evangelical Landeskirche
          “We will pray for you, your people, your church, and for all the victims and their relatives”
Rev. Claire Sixt-Gateuille, Executive Secretary, Ecumenical Relations – United Protestant Church of France
          “Families have lost their children, the worst ordeal ever, and may lose their hope.  We pray God to lead your Church in its mission to accompany the families and share with them the one true Hope: Jesus Christ.  May his grace comfort and heal survivors and families, friends and communities the victims were part of.”
Uniting Church in Australia
Rev. Dr. Ji Zhang, Asia Manager, Church Partnership
          The Uniting Church in Australia will be holding the families in our prayers.  May the Risen Lord give them the rising peace”.
Rev. Maureen Postma – Chair, UCA’s Christian Unity Working Group
          “Do be assured of our prayers at this time of loss and grief for so many.  We pray for those who have died, their families, and for the relief of trauma for those who suffered but have survived.”
Rev. Shoko Aminaka – General Secretary, NCCJ
          “We pray for the passengers and their families of the Korean ferry disaster.  Jesus Christ will lead all of them to his Hope.”
Rev. Toru Akiyama – General Secretary, UCCJ
          “Yes, we pray for the people who are still waiting for the arrival of rescue teams in the midst of the cold sea and for their families.”
Dr. Yoichi Noguchi, Executive Director, Niwano Peace Foundation
          “Thank you for your circular, regarding our joint prayer for those lost to the sea in the disaster of the Ferry Sewol.  According to your call, I would like to join your prayers for quick rescue and the comforting healing touch of God.”
Rev. Dr. Roger Gaikwad, General Secretary, NCCI
          “I express our solidarity with all the people of Korea as the nation has experienced the grief of the Ferry tragedy in which hundreds of people, in particular children, have been drowned.  Precious lives have been lost.  We appreciate the efforts PROK has taken in writing a pastoral letter to the concerned families, in forming an emergency response team to support the rescue operations and in calling upon all to pray. May the God of Easter give you all the resurrection spirit, comfort and hope.”
Bishop Prasada Rao, Rayalaseema Diocese, Church of South India
          “Today on Good Friday worship we remembered the departed souls and bereaved families and all those who are affected, including the ferry company, that such tragedies will not happen in the future.”
Rev. Ish Kumar – Presbyterian Church of Pakistan
          “We are extremely sorry to know this incident.  We are praying our gracious Lord will do some miracle to save the innocent children.”
Hong Kong
Rev. Ralph Lee, Hong Kong Christian Council
          “Please be assured that prayers and thoughts are with you and the Korean people at this tragic incident.  This is widely reported in Hong Kong and we are deeply saddened.  Our condolences and prayers for the families who have lost loved ones.”
Rev. Lyim Hong Tiong, General Secretary, Presbyterian Church in Taiwan
          “Please accept on behalf of the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan our deepest condolences for the loss of precious young lives and the pain that the Korean nation is going through… This is an unimaginable horrible tragedy.  We have no adequate words of comfort to share with you.  Writing you on this Easter Day, I pray that you and your people will somehow experience the hope and promise of the Risen Christ.
East Timor
Rev. Moises Antonio da Silva, Moderator of IPTL
          “We enter the great Friday and Easter day one big family of Presbyterian Churches.  Our prayers will always be with families in Korea and especially for friends who are afflicted by this accident.”
Rev. Rung Ruengsan-ajin, Vice Moderator, Church of Christ in Thailand
          “We, the Church of Christ in Thailand, join you in sorrow for the loss caused by the ferry wreck.  We pray that God’s consolation and healing will reach the families and they will stand again in strength in Christ.”
Bishop Elmer M. Bolocon, Executive Secretary, Ecumenical Bishops Forum, Philippines
          “We pray for strength for the families of those who perished and are missing due to this disaster.  May our loving God grant them courage, understanding and faith.  May this not weaken them but make them trust the Creator more.”
Act Alliance
John Nduna, General Secretary of Act Alliance
          “Our hearts are broken with the tragic ferry accident that involved so many people.  This is an awful occasion, and we pray with you at this very difficult moment for the people of Korea and especially the relatives and friends of the affected”
WSCF – World Student Christian Federation
Sunita Suna, Director, WSCF, Asia Pacific
          “We join you and the people of Korea to mourn for these precious lives.  We continue to uphold the bereaved families in our prayers.  May God give them much-needed strength and comfort at this time of grief.”

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